NAV undefined


OX System представляет собой сервер, клиенты которого передают на сервер запросы в формате JSON по протоколу HTTPS, используя методы GET и POST. Базовым URL сервера является https://{subdomain} Сервер отвечает также в формате JSON, используя коды состояния HTTP как коды ответа сервера.


HTTP Request

POST https://{subdomain}

Для авторизации используйте этот код:

curl -X POST \
  https://{subdomain} \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
  -d '_username={youusername}&_password={yourpswd}&_subdomain={yourcompany}'

Query Parameters

Параметр Описание
_username * Имя пользователя
_password * Пароль пользователя
_subdomain * Сабдомен компании


  "token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1NjE2MjI0NTIsImV4cCI6MTU5MzE1ODQ1Miwicm9sZXMiOltdLCJpZCI6MTE3MTUyfQ.nBcKjBwW-vzKBtnzbnvviB_4uOwNZNeOr63N1UVLP_WKwjP_LBlN7EFbbOS9yX_WL1RLI-T7n3f63R_Z_nqY7844Ras9ZSaRFhafsEnOCmwkIw3SPX_dwU_G2ud5Izc9wjmild9tgE6gwa527afwoPvJSz_stLGus0AW21HEbFWTFX_Uz_6Sea4zSh5AcISAdZ2shcQ5LPNEzmvVmqJPrlvJF2rtOvSWI7Kx12Hnp0deyuOXAvrmFXQ7-ccAlj4KV7brlKcDxQI7xBetnnKGyegHTKjLax6_v8nJENtmbhyUqZ2Z11B4Kdi3x7v8yVzZYPFAUuHJPeLoGe8-SkMX0K7uJtbvZBUjSQVRpJafyiLVYWT2oc5VZA-vkMXo-XVRH_CkxuQAK3FtckHosKBgy-cIQPfaraTFAsh_GYPbtssafqC_-H2ANF0z2NcDWw22sQVLx5Vtia6OcXi6t5kNre2IxeONHEsPMfhqeNVeJpy7PRoSyppm46N6a-HRqJSFcp44uMVCA9Sk8jQu9IhkTTxf8wZNNgYqKILubms3fqzEcfym2bpc1zI3MnZd0LozalYzHRGmtiEMOnGDrIswaoHBmJmxjQ1V98McC8A699IGaPY1u9FaQNvQvAKg3D2JWP56WSOz10GK-g9LW8px5Mht9AlcdBDUWF8s70oevkM",
  "lifetime": 1036800

lifetime in seconds


Пользователь - сотрудник компании, которому доступны функции системы исходя из привязанных роли.


Просмотр профиль пользователя (который залогинился в систему).

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"


Атрибут Информация
User User


Просмотр данных пользователей.

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}{user}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin}{user} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"


Attribute Info
User User


Получение списка пользователей.

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"

Query request

Параметр Описание
email Email пользователя
profile[fullName] Полное имя
profile[phoneNumber] Номер телефона
profile[gender] Пол
customerBrand ID бренда Brand
group ID групп Group
type Тип клиент customer или сотрудник employee


Атрибут Информация
items Users


Создание пользователя

Http request

POST https://{subdomin}

curl -X POST \
  https://{subdomin} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
  -d '{
              "name": "Sasha",
              "administrativeArea":"Tashkent city",
              "addressLine1":"CHilonzor Tashkent city",


Query params

Параметр Информация
email * Email пользователя
username * Имя пользователя
password * Пароль пользователя
customerBrands ID брендов array Brand Ids
roles ID ролей array Role Ids
groups ID груп array Group Ids
profile[firstName] * Имя
profile[lastName] * Фамилия
profile[middleName] Отчество
profile[birthDate] Дата рождения
profile[notes] Заметка
profile[gender] * Пол
profile[phoneNumbers] Номер телефона array string
uploadedAvatar Файл
kids[name] Имя ребенка
kids[birthDate] Дата рождение ребенка
kids[notes] Заметка ребенку
cards[code] Код карты string
cards[active] Статус карты boolean
properties Свойства пользователя array




Обновление данных пользователя.

Http request

PUT, PATCH https://{subdomin}{user}

curl -X PUT \
  https://{subdomin}{user} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
  -d '{
              "name": "Sasha",
              "administrativeArea":"Tashkent city",
              "addressLine1":"CHilonzor Tashkent city",


Query params

Параметр Информация
email * Email пользователя
username * Имя пользователя
password * Пароль пользователя
customerBrands ID брендов array Brand Ids
roles ID ролей array Role Ids
groups ID груп array Group Ids
profile[firstName] * Имя
profile[lastName] * Фамилия
profile[middleName] Отчество
profile[birthDate] Дата рождения
profile[notes] Заметка
profile[gender] * Пол
profile[phoneNumbers] Номер телефона array string
uploadedAvatar Файл
kids[name] Имя ребенка
kids[birthDate] Дата рождение ребенка
kids[notes] Заметка ребенку
cards[code] Код карты string
cards[active] Статус карты boolean
properties Свойства пользователя array




Клиент - пользователи с типом "customer".


Просмотр карточки клиента

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}{customer}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin}{customer} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"


Артибут Информация
customer User


Список клиентов

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"

Query request

Параметр Описание
email Email клиента
profile[fullName] Полное имя
profile[phoneNumber] Номер телефона
profile[gender] Пол
customerBrand ID брендов Brand
group ID групп Group
type customer или employee


Атрибут Информация
items User array


Http request

POST https://{subdomin}

curl -X POST \
  https://{subdomin} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
  -d '{
              "name": "Alex",
              "administrativeArea":"Tashkent city",
              "addressLine1":"ул. Айбек, 40/2 дом",

      "isSubscribed": true

Query params

Параметр Информация
email * Email
customerBrands ID брендов Brand Ids array
groups ID групп Group Ids array
profile[firstName] * Имя
profile[lastName] * Фамилия
profile[middleName] Отчество
profile[birthDate] Дата рождения
profile[notes] Заметка
profile[gender] * Пол
profile[phoneNumbers] Номер телефона array string
uploadedAvatar Файл
kids[name] Имя ребенка
kids[birthDate] Дата рождение ребенка
kids[notes] Заметка ребенку
cards[code] Код карты string
cards[active] Статус карты boolean
isSubscribed Подиска на SMS рассылку boolean




Http request

PUT, PATCH https://{subdomin}{customer}

curl -X PUT \
  https://{subdomin}{customer} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
  -d '{
              "name": "Alex",
              "administrativeArea":"Tashkent city",
              "addressLine1":"CHilonzor Tashkent city",

      "isSubscribed": true

Query params

Параметр Информация
email * Email
customerBrands ID брендов array Brand Ids
groups ID групп array Group Ids
profile[firstName] * Имя
profile[lastName] * Фамилия
profile[middleName] Отчество
profile[birthDate] Дата рождения
profile[notes] Заметка
profile[gender] * Пол
profile[phoneNumbers] Номер телефона array string
uploadedAvatar Файл
kids[name] Имя ребенка
kids[birthDate] Дата рождение ребенка
kids[notes] Заметка ребенку
cards[code] Код карты string
cards[active] Статус карты boolean
isSubscribed Подиска на SMS рассылку boolean




Зона - страна деятельности компании.


Просмотр зоны

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}{zone}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin}{zone} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"


Атрибут Информация
zone Zone


Список зон

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"


Атрибут Информация
items zone array


Бренды компании - содержат в себе информацию о бренед и иерархию продуктов бренда.


Просмотр бренда

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}{brand}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin}{brand} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"


Атрибут Информация
brand Brand


Список брендов

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"


Атрибут Информация
brand array Brand


Локация - месторасположения торговых магазинов и складов.


Просмотр локации

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}{location}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin}{location} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"


Атрибут Информация
location Location


Список локации

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"


Атрибут Информация
items array location

Create location

Http request

POST https://{subdomin}


Name Type Information
name string Name of location
brand int ID brand
type string warehouse or shop
square int square of place
address[countryCode] string Country code
address[administrativeArea] string Region
address[locality] string District
address[addressLine1] string address

Update location

Http request

PUT https://{subdomin}{locationID}


Name Type Information
name string Name of location
brand int ID brand
type string warehouse or shop
square int square of place
address[countryCode] string Country code
address[administrativeArea] string Region
address[locality] string District
address[addressLine1] string address

Variation of stock

Список остатков и информации о продуктов


Список остатка продуктов GET https://{subdomin}

Query request

Параметр Описание
q query name
name Названия вариации продукта
names Несколько названии вариации продукта array
barcode Штрих-код (barcode)
barcodes Несколько штрих-кодов array
sku Артикул (SKU) продукта
skus Несколько артикулов (SKU) array
product[id] ID продукта
product[name] Название продукта
product[names] Несколько названии продуктов array
product[sku] Артикул (SKU)
product[skus] Несколько артикулов (SKU) array
product[brand] ID бренда
product[zone] ID зоны
product[supplier] ID поставщика
product[category] ID категории
product[category] ID of category
product[tags] ID тега
hasImage Имеетли изображение boolean
properties Свойства Property array
product_properties Свойства продукта (характеристика) Property array
stock[location] Location Ids
stock[exist] boolean
import ID прихода
stock[properties] Propertyarray
stock[count][min] мин количество в остатке int
stock[count][max] макс количество в остатке int
stock[sellPrice][min] мин цена продажи за ед. int
stock[sellPrice][max] макс цена продажи за ед. int
stock[supplyPrice][min] мин цена поставщика за ед. int
stock[supplyPrice][max] макс цена поставщика за ед. int


Параметр Описание
items Variations array
page int

Variations discount

Variation's discount

Query request

Список остатка продуктов GET https://{subdomin}[]=2483807

Параметр Описание
ids int [] ID - variation
barcodes string [] barcode - variation



  "2483807": {
    "barcode": "52090123811",
    "variation": 2483807,
    "oldPrice": 149900,
    "discount": 29980,
    "discountPercent": 20,
    "newPrice": 119920,
    "locations": [
    "count": "4.00"

Create variation

Создание вариация

Http request

curl -X POST \
  https://{subdomin}{product}/variations \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
  -d '{
    "barcode": "1231231",
    "name": "test",
    "properties": [
            "name": "Size",
            "value": "XL"
            "name": "Color",
            "value": "black"
    "analogs": [
    "modifiers": [
    "countable": true,

Query param

Атрибут Информация
product ID продукт

Post param

Атрибут Информация
barcode string unique
name string
properties array of properties
analogs array of variation ID
modifiers array of variation ID
unit string
countable bool
taxable bool
vatPercent float(если taxable = true обязательный)


  "sku": "123123123",
  "supplier": "Поставщик 1",
  "supplierId": 1,
  "category": null,
  "id": 2351,
  "barcode": "1231231",
  "stocks": [],
  "ingredients": [],
  "name": "test",
  "shippable": false,
  "taxable": true,
  "vatPercent": 5,
  "cookable": false,
  "sellable": false,
  "countable": true,
  "composite": false,
  "scalable": false,
  "product": 1,
  "images": [],
  "unit": "pcs",
  "brand": 1,
  "zone": 1,
  "videos": null,
  "properties": [
      "id": "348798811a05cecc0caef8c3426fb0d2",
      "name": "Size",
      "value": "XL"
      "id": "135a8d5cde024e755b6d771f77730f66",
      "name": "Color",
      "value": "black"
  "productProperties": [],
  "area": null,
  "importRecord": null,
  "lastUpdateTime": "2021-10-27 12:25:20",
  "showMarket": false,
  "uploadedImages": [],
  "innerHitIds": null,
  "technicalCard": false,
  "analogs": [
  "modifiers": [

Update variation

Обновить вариация

Http request

curl -X PUT \
  https://{subdomin}{variation} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
  -d '{
    "barcode": "1231231",
    "name": "test",
    "properties": [
            "name": "Size",
            "value": "XL"
            "name": "Color",
            "value": "black"
    "analogs": [ 
    "modifiers": [
    "countable": true,

Query param

Атрибут Информация
variation ID вариация

PUT param

Атрибут Информация
barcode string unique
name string
properties array of properties
analogs array of variation ID
modifiers array of variation ID
unit string
countable bool
taxable bool
vatPercent float(если taxable = true обязательный)


  "sku": "123123123",
  "supplier": "Поставщик 1",
  "supplierId": 1,
  "category": null,
  "id": 2351,
  "barcode": "1231231",
  "stocks": [],
  "ingredients": [],
  "name": "jasur",
  "shippable": false,
  "taxable": false,
  "vatPercent": null,
  "cookable": false,
  "sellable": false,
  "countable": true,
  "composite": false,
  "scalable": false,
  "product": 1,
  "images": [],
  "unit": "pcs",
  "brand": 1,
  "zone": 1,
  "videos": null,
  "properties": [
      "id": "348798811a05cecc0caef8c3426fb0d2",
      "name": "Size",
      "value": "XL"
      "id": "135a8d5cde024e755b6d771f77730f66",
      "name": "Color",
      "value": "black"
  "productProperties": [],
  "area": null,
  "importRecord": null,
  "lastUpdateTime": "2021-10-27 12:26:51",
  "showMarket": false,
  "uploadedImages": [],
  "innerHitIds": null,
  "technicalCard": false,
  "analogs": [
  "modifiers": [

Directly update stock count

Http request

PUT https://{subdomain}


Params Type Description
variation int ID variation
location int ID location
count float last count of variation in above location

Directly update stock price

Http request

PUT https://{subdomain}


Params Type Description
variation int ID variation
location int ID location
price int sell price of variation in above location



Карточка продукт

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}{product}/detail

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin}{product}/detail \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"

Query params

Param Description
product ID продукт


  "product": {
    "id": 2164,
    "description": "Набор содержит парфюмерную воду и лосьон для тела с цветочным ароматом. Композиция раскрывается душистым перцем, туберозой и сладковатой фрезией. Аккорд из горьковатой герани, пиона, лилии и ландыша звучит в сердце. В стойком шлейфе ощущаются древесные ноты, дымные пачули и терпкий мускус.",
    "brand": 9,
    "supplier": 15,
    "category": null,
    "sku": "1X5RY90000",
    "variations": [
    "zone": 1,
    "tags": [],
    "active": true,
    "marketplaceRecord": null
  "variations": [
      "sku": "1X5RY90000",
      "supplier": "Elysee",
      "id": 2337,
      "barcode": "887167477476",
      "stocks": [
          "id": "a3a6952b-f760-4ace-8983-8782aaa2f384",
          "location": 7,
          "tracking": true,
          "countable": true,
          "sellPrice": {
            "first": "UZS",
            "ratio": {
              "UZS\/USD": 9.523809523809524e-5,
              "USD\/UZS": 10500,
              "UZS\/EUR": 8.333333333333333e-5,
              "EUR\/UZS": 12000
            "order": [
            "UZS": 740000,
            "USD": 70.48,
            "EUR": 61.67
          "properties": [
              "name": "Контракт номер",
              "value": "12\/2019"
              "name": "Батч код",
              "value": "BA9"
          "expirationDate": null,
          "supplier": 15,
          "count": 1
          "id": "87b04a13-f74e-444c-94a0-12ae26207cb2",
          "location": 8,
          "tracking": true,
          "countable": true,
          "sellPrice": {
            "first": "UZS",
            "ratio": {
              "UZS\/USD": 9.523809523809524e-5,
              "USD\/UZS": 10500,
              "UZS\/EUR": 8.333333333333333e-5,
              "EUR\/UZS": 12000
            "order": [
            "UZS": 740000,
            "USD": 70.48,
            "EUR": 61.67
          "properties": [
              "name": "Контракт номер",
              "value": "12\/2019"
              "name": "Батч код",
              "value": "BA9"
          "expirationDate": null,
          "supplier": 15,
          "count": 1
      "name": "НАБОР PLEASURES: Pleasures парфюмерная вода 30мл Pleasures Лосьон для тела 75мл",
      "product": 2164,
      "images": [
          "id": 1815,
          "sort": 0,
          "urls": {
            "50x_": null,
            "100x_": null,
            "150x_": null,
            "300x_": null,
            "800x_": null,
            "original": null
      "unit": "pcs",
      "properties": [
          "id": "135a8d5cde024e755b6d771f77730f66",
          "name": "Цвет",
          "value": null
          "id": "9d1804a7de245542870e9cb17964ea8f",
          "name": "Объем",
          "value": null
      "productProperties": [
          "id": "15db0c311ef826335a59adadc970707b",
          "name": "Бренд",
          "value": "ESTEE LAUDER"
          "id": "141146f6421f3d59ae5d77b1beb72efb",
          "name": "Пол",
          "value": "Ж"
          "id": "ac192a26a6e6e1da12dd36ae0299eafa",
          "name": "Подкатегория 1",
          "value": "НАБОРЫ"
          "id": "f80a9c333d8947d26bcbcac6b45babd3",
          "name": "Подкатегория 2",
          "value": ""

Create product

Создание продукт

Http request

POST https://{subdomin}{zone}/create

curl -X POST \
  https://{subdomin}{zone}/create \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
  -d '{
    "name": "Брюки",
    "description": "Jeans",
    "sku": "1228",
    "category": 1,
    "supplier": 1,
    "brand": 1,
    "minOrder": 1,
    "type": 0,
    "tags": ["test"],
    "variations": [
            "barcode": "1227",
            "unit": "pcs",
            "countable": true,
            "supplyPriceCurrency": "UZS",
            "name": "test",
            "recSupplierPrice": 500,
            "recSellPrice": 1500,
            "properties": [
            "productProperties": [

Query params

Param Description
zone ID зона


  "shortDescription": "Jeans",
  "id": 2291,
  "name": "Брюки",
  "description": "Jeans",
  "brand": 1,
  "supplier": 1,
  "category": 1,
  "sku": "1228",
  "variations": [
  "zone": 1,
  "tags": [
      "id": "686c92cc-329b-4f9f-bddd-76781f2d8366",
      "brand": 1,
      "location": null,
      "name": "test"
  "active": true,
  "marketplaceRecord": null,
  "minOrder": 1,
  "type": 0

Update product

Обновить продукт

Http request

POST https://{subdomin}{product}

curl -X POST \
  https://{subdomin}{product} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
  -d '{
    "name": "Брюки",
    "description": "Jeans",
    "sku": "1218",
    "category": 1,
    "supplier": 1,
    "brand": 1,
    "minOrder": 1,
    "type": 0,
    "tagName": ["test"]

Query params

Param Description
product ID продукт


  "shortDescription": "Jeans",
  "id": 2277,
  "name": "Брюки",
  "description": "Jeans",
  "brand": 1,
  "supplier": 1,
  "category": 1,
  "sku": "1218",
  "variations": [
  "zone": 1,
  "innerHitIds": null,
  "tags": [
      "id": "ea24edb7-f2dc-4c66-a12a-866aa0f138cb",
      "zone": 1,
      "brand": 1,
      "location": null,
      "name": "test",
      "highlights": null
  "lastUpdateTime": "2021-12-09 11:44:50",
  "active": true,
  "images": [],
  "marketplaceRecord": null,
  "uploadedImages": [],
  "minOrder": 1,
  "type": 0


Продажа осуществляется с помощью Кассового терминала . Для осуществление продажи необходимо авторизация с ключом кассового терминала.


Карточка продажи

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}{sell}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin}{sell} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"


Атрибут Информация
sell Sell


Список продаж

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"

Query params

Param Description
finishedTime[min] date time
finishedTime[max] date time
updatedTime[min] date time
updatedTime[max] date time
type array in those sell, debit,refund,exchange
variation[name] name of Variation
variation[sku] sku product
variation[barcode] barcode product
id array sell ids
count[min] sell count
count[max] sell count
zone array ids of Zone
brand array ids of Brand
location array ids of Location
cashdesk array ids of Cashdesk
assistant array ids of Assistant
customer array ids of Customer


Атрибут Информация
items array sells
page int

Create refunds

Создание Возврат/Обмен

Http request

curl -X POST \
  https://{subdomin}{cashdesk}/refunds \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
  -d '{    
    "refundRecords": [
            "location": 1,
            "sellRecord": 215,
            "count": 1

Query param

Атрибут Информация
cashdesk ID кассового терминала Cashdesk

Post param

Атрибут Информация
customer ID покупатель
refundRecords refundRecords


Sell with sell record

Create sell

Создание продажи

Http request

curl -X POST \
  https://{subdomin}{cashdesk}/sells \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
  -d '{    
    "note": "1c"

Query param

Атрибут Информация
cashdesk ID кассового терминала Cashdesk

Post param

Атрибут Информация
note ""


Sell with empty sell record

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  "cashdesk": {
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    "config": {
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      "USD\/UZS": 10800,
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      "EUR\/UZS": 11000
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  "manualDiscount": null,
  "debtFinishedTime": null,
  "resources": [],
  "dynamicStatus": null,
  "originalId": null,
  "relatedSubdomain": null,
  "isDebt": false,
  "nextStatus": null

Create sell record

Добавление продаваемых продуктов в продажу

Http request

POST https://{subdomin}{sell}/sell-records

curl -X POST \
  https://{subdomin}{sell}/sell-records \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
  -d "{
    "stock": "fa9def8d-7fcf-43b7-bf3a-d1ea52f5fe73",
    "count": 1

Query param

Атрибут Информация
sell ID продажи Sell

Post param

Атрибут Информация
count Количество int
stock ID стока Stock


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Create sell record by variation

Добавление продаваемых продуктов с вариация в продажу

Http request

POST https://{subdomin}{sell}/sell-records-by-variation

curl -X POST \
  https://{subdomin}{sell}/sell-records-by-variation \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
  -d "{
    "variation": 2,
    "location": 1,
    "count": 1

Query param

Атрибут Информация
sell ID продажи Sell

Post param

Атрибут Информация
variation ID вариация
location ID локация
count Количество int


Update sell record

Http request

PATCH https://{subdomin}{sell_record}

curl -X PATCH \
  https://{subdomin}{sell_record} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
  -d "{
    count: 2

Query param

Атрибут Информация
sell_record id Sell record

Post param

Атрибут Информация
count Количество int



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      "children": [],
      "cookies": [],
      "deleted": false,
      "finishedTime": null,
      "cashback": null,
      "time": "2021-10-15 11:41:57"
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  "shippingService": null,
  "cashdesk": {
    "id": 233,
    "name": "test",
    "zone": 13,
    "sellKey": "KF",
    "fingerprint": "3d00cf5a1a133db0fb8d84a911b80956",
    "appId": null,
    "active": true,
    "type": 1,
    "locations": [
    "paymentMethods": [],
    "cashAccount": {
      "id": 110,
      "name": "test0000",
      "properties": [
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    "online": false,
    "nonCashAccount": {
      "id": 110,
      "name": "test0000",
      "properties": [
          "name": "n1",
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    "device": [],
    "config": {
      "print": null
    "vatNumber": "12",
    "phoneNumbers": [
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      "type": null,
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      "locality": "город Ахангаран",
      "dependentLocality": null,
      "postalCode": "12",
      "addressLine1": "54",
      "addressLine2": ",,",
      "organization": null,
      "latitude": null,
      "longitude": null,
      "houseNumber": null,
      "floor": null,
      "apartmentNumber": null
  "type": "pos",
  "sellSeats": [],
  "status": "cart",
  "id": 990481,
  "note": "1C",
  "count": 2,
  "time": "2021-10-15 11:36:08",
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    "id": 30196,
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    "debits": null,
    "encashment": null,
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  "user": 117937,
  "draft": true,
  "takeAway": false,
  "wasDebit": false,
  "updatedTime": "2021-10-15 11:43:57",
  "finishedTime": null,
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  "billingAddress": null,
  "customer": null,
  "mode": "location",
  "cardActivated": false,
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    "ratio": {
      "UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
      "USD\/UZS": 10800,
      "UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
      "EUR\/UZS": 11000
    "order": [
    "UZS": 6000,
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    "EUR": 0.55
  "total": {
    "first": "UZS",
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      "USD\/UZS": 10800,
      "UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
      "EUR\/UZS": 11000
    "order": [
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  "debit": null,
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      "USD\/UZS": 10800,
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      "EUR\/UZS": 11000
    "order": [
    "UZS": 6000,
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    "EUR": 0.55
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      "USD\/UZS": 10800,
      "UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
      "EUR\/UZS": 11000
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      "USD\/UZS": 10800,
      "UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
      "EUR\/UZS": 11000
    "order": [
    "UZS": 0,
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    "EUR": 0
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      "UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
      "USD\/UZS": 10800,
      "UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
      "EUR\/UZS": 11000
    "order": [
    "UZS": 0,
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    "EUR": 0
  "returnSubtotal": {
    "first": "UZS",
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      "UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
      "USD\/UZS": 10800,
      "UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
      "EUR\/UZS": 11000
    "order": [
    "UZS": 0,
    "USD": 0,
    "EUR": 0
  "returnTotal": {
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      "UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
      "USD\/UZS": 10800,
      "UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
      "EUR\/UZS": 11000
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      "UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
      "EUR\/UZS": 11000
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    "ratio": {
      "UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
      "USD\/UZS": 10800,
      "UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
      "EUR\/UZS": 11000
    "order": [
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    "EUR": 0
  "recipient": null,
  "guestQty": null,
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  "syncTime": "2021-10-15 11:43:57",
  "manualDiscount": [],
  "debtFinishedTime": null,
  "resources": [],
  "dynamicStatus": null,
  "originalId": null,
  "relatedSubdomain": null,
  "isDebt": false,
  "nextStatus": null

Delete sell record

Удаление открытой продажи

Http request

DELETE https://{subdomin}{sell_record}

curl -X DELETE \
  https://{subdomin}{sell_record} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"

Query param

Атрибут Информация
sell_record ID продаваемых продуктов Sell record



Update sell

Обновление открытой продажи, отложки или долга.

Http request

PATCH https://{subdomin}{sell}

curl -X PATCH \
  https://{subdomin}{sell} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
  -d "{
               paymentMethod: 3,
               price: 120000,
               type: 'sell'
    customer: 117890,

Query param

Атрибут Информация
sell ID продажи Sell



Shipping service sell

Добавление метода доставки и информации о доставке в продажу.

Http request

PATCH https://{subdomin}{sell}/details

curl -X PATCH \
  https://{subdomin}{sell}/details \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
  -d '{
    isPickup: true,
    pickupLocation: 11,
    recipient: "Muxiddin Jumaniyazov"
    shippingService: 10,
    shippingTime: "12:31"

Query param

Атрибут Информация
sell ID продажи Sell



Add payment sell

Оплата для продажа.

Http request

POST https://{subdomin}{sell}/payment

curl -X POST \
  https://{subdomin}{sell}/payment \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
  -d '{
    "paymentMethod": 1,
    "price": 100000,
    "type": "sell"

Query param

Атрибут Информация
sell ID продажи Sell

Post param

Атрибут Информация
paymentMethod Тип оплата
price сумма int
type sell,refund



Finish sell

Завершение (закрытые) открытой продажи.

Http request

POST https://{subdomin}{sell}/commit

curl -X POST \
  https://{subdomin}{sell}/commit \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
  -d '{
    "mode": "location"

Query param

Атрибут Информация
sell ID продажи Sell



Postpone sell

Отложка продажи

Http request

POST https://{subdomin}{sell}/postpone

curl -X POST \
  https://{subdomin}{sell}/postpone \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
  -d '{
    "mode": "location"

Query param

Атрибут Информация
sell ID продажи Sell



Update finished sell

Обновление завершенной продажи

Http request

PATCH https://{subdomin}{sellID}/patch

Patch params

Атрибут Информация
finishedTime Datetime finished time
assistants IDs users
user ID cashier
customer ID customer
note string
payments array
pickupLocation ID location
shippingAddress object



Update sell payment

Обновление оплата продажи

Http request

PATCH https://{subdomin}{paymentID}

Patch params





Роли - это набор доступов пользователя к системе.


Просмотр роли

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}{role}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin}{role} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"


Атрибут Информация
role Role


Список ролей

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"


Атрибут Информация
items array role



Http request

GET https://{subdomin}{cashdesk}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin}{cashdesk} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"


Attribute Info
cashdesk id Cash desk


Http request

GET https://{subdomin}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"


Attribute Info
items Cash desks


Transfer list

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'

Query request

Параметр Описание
id id transfer
time[min] start of time
time[max] end of time
approved 1 or 0
approvedTime[min] start of approved time
approvedTime[max] end of approved time
inLocation in transfer of location id
outLocations ids of out location
brand id brand of variation
variation[] filter params variations


  "page": 1,
  "items": [
      "id": 11735,
      "note": null,
      "count": 2,
      "time": "2020-08-27 18:44:51",
      "zone": 13,
      "user": 118231,
      "orderedUser": null,
      "sentUser": null,
      "acceptedUser": null,
      "draft": true,
      "inLocation": 42,
      "outLocations": [
      "outLocation": 68,
      "status": "process_inventor",
      "ordered": false,
      "willReview": true,
      "totalSellPrice": {
        "first": "UZS",
        "ratio": {
          "UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
          "USD\/UZS": 10800,
          "UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
          "EUR\/UZS": 11000
        "order": [
        "UZS": 200000,
        "USD": 18.52,
        "EUR": 18.18
      "totalSupplyPrice": {
        "first": "UZS",
        "ratio": {
          "UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
          "USD\/UZS": 10800,
          "UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
          "EUR\/UZS": 11000
        "order": [
        "UZS": 110000,
        "USD": 10.19,
        "EUR": 10
      "totalLandedPrice": {
        "first": "UZS",
        "ratio": {
          "UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
          "USD\/UZS": 10800,
          "UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
          "EUR\/UZS": 11000
        "order": [
        "UZS": 110000,
        "USD": 10.19,
        "EUR": 10
      "approved": false,
      "approvedTime": null
  "total_count": 22

Transfer create

Transfer product do following steps given bellow

curl --request POST \
  --url{zone}/transfers \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}' \
  --data '{
      "outLocation": 42,
      "inLocation": 293,
      "type": 0,
      "records": [
          "variation": 242351,
          "count": 3
          "variation": 242352,
          "count": 2
          "variation": 242353,
          "count": 4

Query request

Параметр Описание
inLocation id location
outLocation id location
type '0' (Create transfer operation) or 1 (Order transfer operation)
records array Records


  "id": 14,
  "note": null,
  "count": 0,
  "time": "2021-10-12 15:35:04",
  "zone": 1,
  "user": 117141,
  "orderedUser": null,
  "sentUser": null,
  "acceptedUser": null,
  "draft": true,
  "inLocation": 11,
  "outLocations": [],
  "outLocation": 1,
  "status": "process",
  "ordered": false,
  "willReview": false,
  "totalSellPrice": null,
  "totalSupplyPrice": null,
  "totalLandedPrice": null,
  "approved": false,
  "approvedTime": null

Transfer approve

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'

Query request


  "id": 14,
  "note": null,
  "count": 3,
  "time": "2021-10-12 15:35:04",
  "zone": 1,
  "user": 117141,
  "orderedUser": null,
  "sentUser": null,
  "acceptedUser": 117141,
  "draft": true,
  "inLocation": 11,
  "outLocations": [],
  "outLocation": 1,
  "status": "accepted",
  "ordered": false,
  "willReview": false,
  "totalSellPrice": {
    "first": "UZS",
    "ratio": {
      "UZS\/USD": 9.09090909090909e-5,
      "USD\/UZS": 11000
    "order": [
    "UZS": 300000,
    "USD": 27.27
  "totalSupplyPrice": {
    "first": "UZS",
    "ratio": {
      "UZS\/USD": 9.09090909090909e-5,
      "USD\/UZS": 11000
    "order": [
    "UZS": 240000,
    "USD": 21.82
  "totalLandedPrice": {
    "first": "UZS",
    "ratio": {
      "UZS\/USD": 9.09090909090909e-5,
      "USD\/UZS": 11000
    "order": [
    "UZS": 240000,
    "USD": 21.82
  "approved": true,
  "approvedTime": "2021-10-12 15:35:50"

Transfer records list

curl --request GET \
  --url{transferID}/records \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'

Query request

Параметр Описание
id id transfer
status Success, Overage,Created,Shortage,Unknown
variation[name] Variation name
variation[names] array of Variation name
variation[sku] Variation sku
variation[skus] array of Variation sku
variation[barcode] Variation barcode
variation[barcodes] array of Variation barcodes


  "page": 1,
  "total_count": 2,
  "items": [
      "status": "overage",
      "price": null,
      "variation": 240450,
      "outLocation": 68,
      "time": "2020-08-27 18:45:04",
      "stock": null,
      "inStock": null,
      "orderCount": 0,
      "sentCount": 1,
      "acceptCount": 0,
      "decreaseCount": 0,
      "id": 221007,
      "count": 1
      "status": "overage",
      "price": null,
      "variation": 240451,
      "outLocation": 68,
      "time": "2020-08-27 18:45:03",
      "stock": null,
      "inStock": null,
      "orderCount": 0,
      "sentCount": 1,
      "acceptCount": 0,
      "decreaseCount": 0,
      "id": 221006,
      "count": 1


Import list

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'

Query request

Параметр Описание
id id import
time[min] start of time
time[max] end of time
finishedTime[min] start of finished time
finishedTime[max] end of finished time
location in import of location id
brand id brand of variation
variation[] filter params variations


  "page": 1,
  "items": [
      "id": 7085,
      "note": null,
      "count": 3,
      "time": "2020-09-04 23:45:30",
      "lastApproveTime": null,
      "zone": 13,
      "brand": 15,
      "user": 118231,
      "location": 42,
      "finished": true,
      "willReview": false,
      "deleted": false,
      "approvals": [
      "orderProperties": [],
      "orderTransactions": [],
      "supplyRatio": {
        "USD_UZS": 10800,
        "EUR_UZS": 11000
      "scheduled": false,
      "landedCosts": [],
      "status": "finished"
    "total_count": 109

Import records list

curl --request GET \
  --url{importID}/records \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'

Query request

Параметр Описание
id id import
barcodes array of Variation barcodes
skus array of Variation skus
productName Name of variation product


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      "import": 7085,
      "variation": 246029,
      "initialCount": 0,
      "approvals": [
          "time": "2020-09-04 23:47:50",
          "count": 3
      "variationBarcode": "9090909",
      "variationName": "Bebe",
      "areaNames": null,
      "variationShippable": true,
      "variationTaxable": false,
      "variationSellable": true,
      "variationCountable": true,
      "variationCookable": false,
      "unit": "pcs",
      "variationProperties": [
          "name": "Размер",
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          "name": "Цвет",
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          "value": "Turkey"
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      "categoryNames": [
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        "ratio": {
          "UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
          "USD\/UZS": 10800,
          "UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
          "EUR\/UZS": 11000
        "order": [
        "UZS": 10000,
        "USD": 0.93,
        "EUR": 0.91
      "stockSupplyPrice": {
        "first": "USD",
        "ratio": {
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          "UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
          "EUR\/UZS": 11000,
          "UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5
        "order": [
        "USD": 1,
        "UZS": 10800,
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      "stockProperties": [
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      "diffs": null,
      "ingredients": null,
      "productTags": null,
      "orderPropertyPrices": null,
      "landedCostPrice": {
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        "ratio": {
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          "UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
          "EUR\/UZS": 11000,
          "UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5
        "order": [
        "USD": 1,
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      "stockExpirationDate": null,
      "stock": "15662050-e1d3-4380-a973-02fe5c35f7e8",
      "landedCosts": null,
      "images": [],
      "uploadedImages": []
  "total_count": 1

Import create

Import products do following steps bellow

curl --request POST \
  --url https://{subdomain}{zoneID}/imports \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}' \
  --header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "location": 42,
    "willReview": false,
    "note": "Notessss",
    "supplyRatio": {
        "USD_UZS": 0

Post attributes

Параметр Тип Описание
location int ID location
willReview bool if need review before import true
note string description
supplyRatio array currency combination main currency with secondary currencies
    "id": 3777,
    "note": "Notessss",
    "count": 0,
    "time": "2022-10-18 11:44:11",
    "lastApproveTime": null,
    "zone": 13,
    "brand": 15,
    "user": 117937,
    "location": 42,
    "finished": false,
    "willReview": false,
    "deleted": false,
    "approvals": [],
    "orderProperties": [],
    "orderTransactions": [],
    "supplyRatio": {
        "USD_UZS": 12000
    "scheduled": false,
    "finishedTime": null,
    "system": false,
    "landedCosts": [],
    "status": "not_finished"

Add import record

add record to import

curl --request POST \
  --url https://{subdomain}{importID}/import-records/multiple \
  --header 'Accept: application/json' \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}' \
  --header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
  --form 'records[0][productSku]=8DG5UX6QIH' \
  --form 'records[0][productName]=Nike sneakers' \
  --form 'records[0][supplierName]=Nike' \
  --form 'records[0][categoryNames]=Boots' \
  --form 'records[0][variationCountable]=1' \
  --form 'records[0][variationShippable]=1' \
  --form 'records[0][variationSellable]=1' \
  --form 'records[0][variationScalable]=0' \
  --form 'records[0][uploadedImages][]=@/home/muxiddin/Pictures/iphone-12-pro-family-hero.jpeg' \
  --form 'records[0][variationBarcode]=4788645796881' \
  --form 'records[0][unit]=pcs' \
  --form 'records[0][stockSupplyPrice]=4 USD' \
  --form 'records[0][stockSellPrice]=172800 UZS' \
  --form 'records[0][count]=10' \
  --form 'records[0][variationProperties][0][name]=Размер' \
  --form 'records[0][variationProperties][0][value]=XXS' \
  --form 'records[0][variationProperties][0][name]=Цвет' \
  --form 'records[0][variationProperties][0][value]=Blue' \
  --form 'records[0][variationName]=Nike sneakers Blue' \
  --form forceValidate=true


array of [Records] Records


after then all records insert should approve impport for including variation to product list

curl --request POST \
  --url https://{subdomain}{importID}/finish \
  --header 'Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'


Correction list

curl --request GET \
  --url \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'

Query request

Параметр Описание
id id correction
time[min] start of time, default today
time[max] end of time, default today
location in correction of location id
brand id brand of variation
user id of created user
variation[] filter params variations exp: variation[name]=Shirt


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        "positive": 0
      "location": 68,
      "reason": "review",
      "approved": true,
      "approvedTime": "2020-09-18 12:12:00"
    "total_count": 4

Correction records list

curl --request GET \
  --url{correctionID} \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'

Query request

Параметр Описание
id id correction
barcodes array of Variation barcodes
skus array of Variation skus
productName Name of variation product


  "page": 1,
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        "EUR": 6
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      "count": -6,
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        "location": 68,
        "import": null,
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        "importCount": null,
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        "tracking": true,
        "countable": true,
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            "EUR\/UZS": 11000,
            "UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5
          "order": [
          "UZS": 70900,
          "USD": 6,
          "EUR": 6
        "supplyPrice": {
          "first": "USD",
          "ratio": {
            "USD\/UZS": 8600,
            "UZS\/USD": 0.00011627906976744187
          "order": [
          "USD": 4.55,
          "UZS": 39130
        "properties": [
            "name": "Цена продажи в $",
            "value": "6.37"
        "expirationDate": null,
        "count": 0
      "price": {
        "first": "UZS",
        "ratio": {
          "USD\/UZS": 11000,
          "UZS\/USD": 9.09090909090909e-5,
          "EUR\/UZS": 11000,
          "UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5
        "order": [
        "UZS": 70900,
        "USD": 6,
        "EUR": 6
  "total_count": 1

Correction create draft

curl --request POST \
  --url \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}' \
  --data '{
    "location": 42,
    "reason": "manual",
    "records": [
            "variation": 242351,
            "count": -5
            "variation": 242352,
            "count": 5

Query request

Параметр Описание
location id location
records array Records
reason text


  "id": 5,
  "note": null,
  "count": -2,
  "time": "2021-10-12 11:25:00",
  "zone": 1,
  "brand": 1,
  "user": 117141,
  "summary": {
    "sum": -2,
    "negative": -5,
    "positive": 3
  "location": 1,
  "reason": "manual",
  "approved": false,
  "approvedTime": null

Correction create approve

curl --request POST \
  --url{correction}/approve \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'

Query request



Поставщик - поставщик продуктов.


Просмотр поставщика

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}{supplier}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin}{supplier} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"


Attribute Info
supplier Supplier


Список поставщиков

Http request

GET https://{subdomin}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"


Attribute Info
items arraysuppliers


Coupon - coupon need working promotion

Beeline club

Generate coupon code

Http request

POST https://{subdomin}

curl --request POST \
  --url https://{subdomin} \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "phone": "+998998921025",
    "firstName": "Muxiddin",
    "lastName": "Jumaniyazov",
    "collection": "Beeline club 1"


Атрибут Информация
phone * phone number of customer
firstName * first name of customer
lastName last name of customer
collection name of collection coupon






Http request

GET https://{subdomin}

curl -X GET \
  https://{subdomin} \
  -H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"

Query params

Name Info
name name of promotion
active 1 - active, 0 - inactive
location[] IDS of location
rule[type][] types of rule from this list coupon_collection,payment_method,time,variation_field,customer,customer_group,group_with_points,total_count,total_price


Attribute Info
items Promotion


Send sms

Http request

POST https://{subdomin}

curl --request POST \
  --url https://{subdomin} \
  --header 'authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}' \
  --header 'content-type: application/json' \
  --data '{
    "alphaName": 3700,
    "number": "+998991001010",
    "message": "Hello test!"


Response 200



Company object


Attribute Description
id ID компании
name Название компании
companyCode Код компании
subdomain сабдомен компании (нужен для авторизации)
owner Основатель компании Owner
domains Привязанные домены компании (для интернет-магазина)
expireTime Дата истечения срока OX плана
trialExpireTime Дата истичения срока пробной версии системы OX
plan ID OX плана
cashdeskPlan ID плана кассового терминала
cashdeskCount Количество позволенных кассовых терминалов
trusted Доверенный клиент или нет boolean
setup Настроено или нет boolean



        "id": 23,
        "name": "Demo",
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        "setup": true,
        "trialExpireDate": null

User object


Attribute Description
id ID пользователя
username логин пользователя
email Email пользователя
active Активный или нет boolean
owner Основатель компании или нет boolean
roles Роли пользователя
kids Дети пользователя
groups Группа пользователя
type Тип пользователя сотрудник employee или клиент customer
customerBrandIds Клиент в брендах brand Ids
roleBrandIds Привязанные бренды в ролях brand Ids
roleLocationIds Привязанные локации в ролях location ids
cards Карта пользователя card
profile Профиль пользователя Profile
setting Настройка профиля пользователя settings
wallet Кошелек пользователя wallet
registeredTime Дата и время регистрации datetime
lastActiveTime Дата и время последной активности datetime
lastUpdateTime Дата и время последной обновлений datetime
addresses Адреса пользователя array Address
salaries Заработная плана пользователя array salaries
latenesses Опоздание пользователя array
overtimes Сверхурочные пользователя array
penalties Штрафы пользователя array
rewards Вознограждения пользователя array
userSchedules График работы пользователя array
userDepartments Отдел пользователя array
properties Свойства пользователя array
fired Работает или уволенный boolean
isSubscribed boolean
invitedUser Приглашенные пользователи Invited user
phoneVerified Номер телефона подвержден boolean
emailVerified E-mail адрес подвержден boolean
referralUsers boolean



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Profile object


Attribute Description
id ID профиля
fullName Полное имя
firstName Имя
lastName Фамилия
middleName Отчество
phoneNumbers Номер телефона array
birthDate Дата рождения
notes Заметка
gender Пол male или female
photos Фотографии профиля array Image



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Image object


Attribute Description
id ID изображения
originalName Название изображения
createdAt Дата и время создание datetime
updatedAt Дата и время обновление datetime
urls Размерная сетка с url адресом array



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Brand object


Attribute Description
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name Название бренда
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productPropertyPatterns Список свойств продукта (характеристика) array
importPropertyPatterns Список свойств прихода array
requiredFields array
options array
active boolean



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Zone object



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Location object


Attribute Description
id location id
name name
zone Zone
brand Brand
type warehouse or shop
square int
active boolean
address Address



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      "name": "Fruits&Passion",
      "logo": null,
      "brand": 15,
      "zone": 13,
      "highlights": null
  "total_count": 32

Correction record object


Attribute Type
variation int
count float


    "variation": 2,
    "count": 3

Transfer record object


Attribute Type
variation int
count float


    "variation": 2,
    "count": 3

Refunds record object


Attribute Type
variation int
location int
count float


  "location": 1,
  "sellRecord": 215,
  "count": 1

Variation properties object


Attribute Type
name string
value string


  "name": "Size",
  "value": "XL"

Import record object

  "id": 70628,
  "import": 3777,
  "variation": null,
  "initialCount": 0,
  "approvals": [],
  "variationBarcode": "4788645796881",
  "variationName": "Nike sneakers Blue",
  "areaNames": [],
  "variationShippable": true,
  "variationTaxable": false,
  "variationSellable": true,
  "variationCountable": true,
  "variationCookable": false,
  "variationScalable": false,
  "unit": "pcs",
  "variationProperties": [
      "name": "Цвет",
      "value": "Blue"
  "productProperties": [],
  "productSku": "8DG5UX6QIH",
  "productName": "Nike sneakers",
  "productDescription": "",
  "supplierName": "Nike",
  "categoryNames": "Boots",
  "count": 10,
  "stockTracking": false,
  "stockSellPrice": {
    "first": "UZS",
    "ratio": {
      "UZS\/USD": 8.333333333333333e-5,
      "USD\/UZS": 12000
    "order": [
    "UZS": 172800,
    "USD": 14.4
  "stockSupplyPrice": {
    "first": "USD",
    "ratio": {
      "USD\/UZS": 12000,
      "UZS\/USD": 8.333333333333333e-5
    "order": [
    "USD": 4,
    "UZS": 48000
  "stockProperties": [],
  "applied": false,
  "diffs": null,
  "ingredients": [],
  "productTags": [],
  "orderPropertyPrices": null,
  "landedCostPrice": {
    "first": "USD",
    "ratio": {
      "USD\/UZS": 12000,
      "UZS\/USD": 8.333333333333333e-5
    "order": [
    "USD": 4,
    "UZS": 48000
  "stockExpirationDate": null,
  "stock": null,
  "landedCosts": null,
  "images": [],
  "uploadedImages": []

Update payment object


Attribute Type
paymentMethod int
price number
type string sell or refund
time datetime

Sell payment response

    "id": 1452291,
    "status": "finished",
    "paymentMethod": 114,
    "price": {
        "first": "UZS",
        "ratio": {
            "UZS\/USD": 8.333333333333333e-5,
            "USD\/UZS": 12000
        "order": [
        "UZS": 82000,
        "USD": 6.83
    "type": "sell",
    "time": "2023-01-10 14:23:00",
    "paymentDetails": [],
    "totalLeftToPay": {
        "first": "UZS",
        "UZS": 0,
        "USD": 0
    "subtotalLeftToPay": {
        "first": "UZS",
        "ratio": {
            "UZS\/USD": 8.333333333333333e-5,
            "USD\/UZS": 12000
        "order": [
        "UZS": 0,
        "USD": 0
    "transaction": null,
    "shift": 1919

Promotion object

    "time": "2023-06-06 17:09:55",
    "id": 178,
    "name": "Payment NonCash",
    "description": null,
    "active": true,
    "approved": true,
    "actualRevision": null,
    "rules": [
            "id": 184,
            "type": "payment_method",
            "config": {
                "paymentMethods": [
            "promotion": null
            "id": 185,
            "type": "time",
            "config": {
                "time": {
                    "min": "2023-06-04 17:10:11",
                    "max": "2023-06-30 17:10:20"
            "promotion": null
    "offers": [
            "id": 398,
            "type": "fixed_price",
            "config": {
                "name": [],
                "name_exclude": false,
                "barcode": [],
                "barcode_exclude": false,
                "sku": [],
                "sku_exclude": false,
                "category": [],
                "category_exclude": false,
                "supplier": [],
                "exclude_supplier": false,
                "expireTime": {
                    "number": null,
                    "time": null
                "exirationDateRange": {
                    "min": null,
                    "max": null
                "price": {
                    "min": null,
                    "max": null
                "properties": [],
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                "product_properties": [],
                "excludeProductProperties": false,
                "import_properties": [],
                "exclude_import_properties": false,
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                        "UZS\/USD": 8.333333333333333e-5,
                        "USD\/UZS": 12000
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                    "UZS": 1000,
                    "USD": 0.08
                "sum": true,
                "count": 1,
                "each": true
            "promotion": 178,
            "autoApplicable": true,
            "level": 1
    "cashdesks": [
    "markets": [],
    "marketIds": null,
    "locations": [
    "brands": [
    "zone": 13,
    "highlights": null,
    "system": false,
    "originalId": null


The Kittn API uses the following error codes:

Error Code Meaning
400 Bad Request -- Your request sucks
401 Unauthorized -- Your API key is wrong
403 Forbidden -- The kitten requested is hidden for administrators only
404 Not Found -- The specified kitten could not be found
405 Method Not Allowed -- You tried to access a kitten with an invalid method
406 Not Acceptable -- You requested a format that isn't json
410 Gone -- The kitten requested has been removed from our servers
418 I'm a teapot
429 Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many kittens! Slow down!
500 Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later.
503 Service Unavailable -- We're temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later.