OX System представляет собой сервер, клиенты которого передают на сервер запросы в формате JSON по протоколу HTTPS, используя методы GET и POST. Базовым URL сервера является https://{subdomain}
. Сервер отвечает также в формате JSON, используя коды состояния HTTP как коды ответа сервера.
HTTP Request
POST https://{subdomain}
Для авторизации используйте этот код:
curl -X POST \
https://{subdomain} \
-H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \
-d '_username={youusername}&_password={yourpswd}&_subdomain={yourcompany}'
Query Parameters
Параметр | Описание |
_username * | Имя пользователя |
_password * | Пароль пользователя |
_subdomain * | Сабдомен компании |
"token": "eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiJ9.eyJpYXQiOjE1NjE2MjI0NTIsImV4cCI6MTU5MzE1ODQ1Miwicm9sZXMiOltdLCJpZCI6MTE3MTUyfQ.nBcKjBwW-vzKBtnzbnvviB_4uOwNZNeOr63N1UVLP_WKwjP_LBlN7EFbbOS9yX_WL1RLI-T7n3f63R_Z_nqY7844Ras9ZSaRFhafsEnOCmwkIw3SPX_dwU_G2ud5Izc9wjmild9tgE6gwa527afwoPvJSz_stLGus0AW21HEbFWTFX_Uz_6Sea4zSh5AcISAdZ2shcQ5LPNEzmvVmqJPrlvJF2rtOvSWI7Kx12Hnp0deyuOXAvrmFXQ7-ccAlj4KV7brlKcDxQI7xBetnnKGyegHTKjLax6_v8nJENtmbhyUqZ2Z11B4Kdi3x7v8yVzZYPFAUuHJPeLoGe8-SkMX0K7uJtbvZBUjSQVRpJafyiLVYWT2oc5VZA-vkMXo-XVRH_CkxuQAK3FtckHosKBgy-cIQPfaraTFAsh_GYPbtssafqC_-H2ANF0z2NcDWw22sQVLx5Vtia6OcXi6t5kNre2IxeONHEsPMfhqeNVeJpy7PRoSyppm46N6a-HRqJSFcp44uMVCA9Sk8jQu9IhkTTxf8wZNNgYqKILubms3fqzEcfym2bpc1zI3MnZd0LozalYzHRGmtiEMOnGDrIswaoHBmJmxjQ1V98McC8A699IGaPY1u9FaQNvQvAKg3D2JWP56WSOz10GK-g9LW8px5Mht9AlcdBDUWF8s70oevkM",
"lifetime": 1036800
in seconds
Пользователь - сотрудник компании, которому доступны функции системы исходя из привязанных роли.
Просмотр профиль пользователя (который залогинился в систему).
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Атрибут | Информация |
User | User |
Просмотр данных пользователей.
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}{user}
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin}{user} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Attribute | Info |
User | User |
Получение списка пользователей.
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Query request
Параметр | Описание |
Email пользователя | |
profile[fullName] | Полное имя |
profile[phoneNumber] | Номер телефона |
profile[gender] | Пол |
customerBrand | ID бренда Brand |
group | ID групп Group |
type | Тип клиент customer или сотрудник employee |
Атрибут | Информация |
items |
Создание пользователя
Http request
POST https://{subdomin}
curl -X POST \
https://{subdomin} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
-d '{
"name": "Sasha",
"administrativeArea":"Tashkent city",
"addressLine1":"CHilonzor Tashkent city",
Query params
Параметр | Информация |
email * | Email пользователя |
username * | Имя пользователя |
password * | Пароль пользователя |
customerBrands | ID брендов array Brand Ids |
roles | ID ролей array Role Ids |
groups | ID груп array Group Ids |
profile[firstName] * | Имя |
profile[lastName] * | Фамилия |
profile[middleName] | Отчество |
profile[birthDate] | Дата рождения |
profile[notes] | Заметка |
profile[gender] * | Пол |
profile[phoneNumbers] | Номер телефона array string |
uploadedAvatar | Файл |
kids[name] | Имя ребенка |
kids[birthDate] | Дата рождение ребенка |
kids[notes] | Заметка ребенку |
cards[code] | Код карты string |
cards[active] | Статус карты boolean |
properties | Свойства пользователя array |
Обновление данных пользователя.
Http request
PUT, PATCH https://{subdomin}{user}
curl -X PUT \
https://{subdomin}{user} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
-d '{
"name": "Sasha",
"administrativeArea":"Tashkent city",
"addressLine1":"CHilonzor Tashkent city",
Query params
Параметр | Информация |
email * | Email пользователя |
username * | Имя пользователя |
password * | Пароль пользователя |
customerBrands | ID брендов array Brand Ids |
roles | ID ролей array Role Ids |
groups | ID груп array Group Ids |
profile[firstName] * | Имя |
profile[lastName] * | Фамилия |
profile[middleName] | Отчество |
profile[birthDate] | Дата рождения |
profile[notes] | Заметка |
profile[gender] * | Пол |
profile[phoneNumbers] | Номер телефона array string |
uploadedAvatar | Файл |
kids[name] | Имя ребенка |
kids[birthDate] | Дата рождение ребенка |
kids[notes] | Заметка ребенку |
cards[code] | Код карты string |
cards[active] | Статус карты boolean |
properties | Свойства пользователя array |
Клиент - пользователи с типом "customer".
Просмотр карточки клиента
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}{customer}
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin}{customer} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Артибут | Информация |
customer | User |
Список клиентов
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Query request
Параметр | Описание |
Email клиента | |
profile[fullName] | Полное имя |
profile[phoneNumber] | Номер телефона |
profile[gender] | Пол |
customerBrand | ID брендов Brand |
group | ID групп Group |
type | customer или employee |
Атрибут | Информация |
items | User array |
Http request
POST https://{subdomin}
curl -X POST \
https://{subdomin} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
-d '{
"name": "Alex",
"administrativeArea":"Tashkent city",
"addressLine1":"ул. Айбек, 40/2 дом",
"isSubscribed": true
Query params
Параметр | Информация |
email * | |
customerBrands | ID брендов Brand Ids array |
groups | ID групп Group Ids array |
profile[firstName] * | Имя |
profile[lastName] * | Фамилия |
profile[middleName] | Отчество |
profile[birthDate] | Дата рождения |
profile[notes] | Заметка |
profile[gender] * | Пол |
profile[phoneNumbers] | Номер телефона array string |
uploadedAvatar | Файл |
kids[name] | Имя ребенка |
kids[birthDate] | Дата рождение ребенка |
kids[notes] | Заметка ребенку |
cards[code] | Код карты string |
cards[active] | Статус карты boolean |
isSubscribed | Подиска на SMS рассылку boolean |
Http request
PUT, PATCH https://{subdomin}{customer}
curl -X PUT \
https://{subdomin}{customer} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
-d '{
"name": "Alex",
"administrativeArea":"Tashkent city",
"addressLine1":"CHilonzor Tashkent city",
"isSubscribed": true
Query params
Параметр | Информация |
email * | |
customerBrands | ID брендов array Brand Ids |
groups | ID групп array Group Ids |
profile[firstName] * | Имя |
profile[lastName] * | Фамилия |
profile[middleName] | Отчество |
profile[birthDate] | Дата рождения |
profile[notes] | Заметка |
profile[gender] * | Пол |
profile[phoneNumbers] | Номер телефона array string |
uploadedAvatar | Файл |
kids[name] | Имя ребенка |
kids[birthDate] | Дата рождение ребенка |
kids[notes] | Заметка ребенку |
cards[code] | Код карты string |
cards[active] | Статус карты boolean |
isSubscribed | Подиска на SMS рассылку boolean |
Зона - страна деятельности компании.
Просмотр зоны
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}{zone}
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin}{zone} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Атрибут | Информация |
zone | Zone |
Список зон
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Атрибут | Информация |
items | zone array |
Бренды компании - содержат в себе информацию о бренед и иерархию продуктов бренда.
Просмотр бренда
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}{brand}
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin}{brand} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Атрибут | Информация |
brand | Brand |
Список брендов
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Атрибут | Информация |
brand | array Brand |
Локация - месторасположения торговых магазинов и складов.
Просмотр локации
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}{location}
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin}{location} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Атрибут | Информация |
location | Location |
Список локации
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Атрибут | Информация |
items | array location |
Create location
Http request
POST https://{subdomin}
Name | Type | Information |
name | string | Name of location |
brand | int | ID brand |
type | string | warehouse or shop |
square | int | square of place |
address[countryCode] | string | Country code |
address[administrativeArea] | string | Region |
address[locality] | string | District |
address[addressLine1] | string | address |
Update location
Http request
PUT https://{subdomin}{locationID}
Name | Type | Information |
name | string | Name of location |
brand | int | ID brand |
type | string | warehouse or shop |
square | int | square of place |
address[countryCode] | string | Country code |
address[administrativeArea] | string | Region |
address[locality] | string | District |
address[addressLine1] | string | address |
Variation of stock
Список остатков и информации о продуктов
Список остатка продуктов GET https://{subdomin}
Query request
Параметр | Описание |
q | query name |
name | Названия вариации продукта |
names | Несколько названии вариации продукта array |
barcode | Штрих-код (barcode) |
barcodes | Несколько штрих-кодов array |
sku | Артикул (SKU) продукта |
skus | Несколько артикулов (SKU) array |
product[id] | ID продукта |
product[name] | Название продукта |
product[names] | Несколько названии продуктов array |
product[sku] | Артикул (SKU) |
product[skus] | Несколько артикулов (SKU) array |
product[brand] | ID бренда |
product[zone] | ID зоны |
product[supplier] | ID поставщика |
product[category] | ID категории |
product[category] | ID of category |
product[tags] | ID тега |
hasImage | Имеетли изображение boolean |
properties | Свойства Property array |
product_properties | Свойства продукта (характеристика) Property array |
stock[location] | Location Ids |
stock[exist] | boolean |
import | ID прихода |
stock[properties] | Propertyarray |
stock[count][min] | мин количество в остатке int |
stock[count][max] | макс количество в остатке int |
stock[sellPrice][min] | мин цена продажи за ед. int |
stock[sellPrice][max] | макс цена продажи за ед. int |
stock[supplyPrice][min] | мин цена поставщика за ед. int |
stock[supplyPrice][max] | макс цена поставщика за ед. int |
Параметр | Описание |
items | Variations array |
page | int |
Variations discount
Variation's discount
Query request
Список остатка продуктов GET https://{subdomin}[]=2483807
Параметр | Описание |
ids | int [] ID - variation |
barcodes | string [] barcode - variation |
"2483807": {
"barcode": "52090123811",
"variation": 2483807,
"oldPrice": 149900,
"discount": 29980,
"discountPercent": 20,
"newPrice": 119920,
"locations": [
"count": "4.00"
Create variation
Создание вариация
Http request
curl -X POST \
https://{subdomin}{product}/variations \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
-d '{
"barcode": "1231231",
"name": "test",
"properties": [
"name": "Size",
"value": "XL"
"name": "Color",
"value": "black"
"analogs": [
"modifiers": [
"countable": true,
Query param
Атрибут | Информация |
product | ID продукт |
Post param
Атрибут | Информация |
barcode | string unique |
name | string |
properties | array of properties |
analogs | array of variation ID |
modifiers | array of variation ID |
unit | string |
countable | bool |
taxable | bool |
vatPercent | float(если taxable = true обязательный) |
"sku": "123123123",
"supplier": "Поставщик 1",
"supplierId": 1,
"category": null,
"id": 2351,
"barcode": "1231231",
"stocks": [],
"ingredients": [],
"name": "test",
"shippable": false,
"taxable": true,
"vatPercent": 5,
"cookable": false,
"sellable": false,
"countable": true,
"composite": false,
"scalable": false,
"product": 1,
"images": [],
"unit": "pcs",
"brand": 1,
"zone": 1,
"videos": null,
"properties": [
"id": "348798811a05cecc0caef8c3426fb0d2",
"name": "Size",
"value": "XL"
"id": "135a8d5cde024e755b6d771f77730f66",
"name": "Color",
"value": "black"
"productProperties": [],
"area": null,
"importRecord": null,
"lastUpdateTime": "2021-10-27 12:25:20",
"showMarket": false,
"uploadedImages": [],
"innerHitIds": null,
"technicalCard": false,
"analogs": [
"modifiers": [
Update variation
Обновить вариация
Http request
curl -X PUT \
https://{subdomin}{variation} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
-d '{
"barcode": "1231231",
"name": "test",
"properties": [
"name": "Size",
"value": "XL"
"name": "Color",
"value": "black"
"analogs": [
"modifiers": [
"countable": true,
Query param
Атрибут | Информация |
variation | ID вариация |
PUT param
Атрибут | Информация |
barcode | string unique |
name | string |
properties | array of properties |
analogs | array of variation ID |
modifiers | array of variation ID |
unit | string |
countable | bool |
taxable | bool |
vatPercent | float(если taxable = true обязательный) |
"sku": "123123123",
"supplier": "Поставщик 1",
"supplierId": 1,
"category": null,
"id": 2351,
"barcode": "1231231",
"stocks": [],
"ingredients": [],
"name": "jasur",
"shippable": false,
"taxable": false,
"vatPercent": null,
"cookable": false,
"sellable": false,
"countable": true,
"composite": false,
"scalable": false,
"product": 1,
"images": [],
"unit": "pcs",
"brand": 1,
"zone": 1,
"videos": null,
"properties": [
"id": "348798811a05cecc0caef8c3426fb0d2",
"name": "Size",
"value": "XL"
"id": "135a8d5cde024e755b6d771f77730f66",
"name": "Color",
"value": "black"
"productProperties": [],
"area": null,
"importRecord": null,
"lastUpdateTime": "2021-10-27 12:26:51",
"showMarket": false,
"uploadedImages": [],
"innerHitIds": null,
"technicalCard": false,
"analogs": [
"modifiers": [
Directly update stock count
Http request
PUT https://{subdomain}
Params | Type | Description |
variation | int | ID variation |
location | int | ID location |
count | float | last count of variation in above location |
Directly update stock price
Http request
PUT https://{subdomain}
Params | Type | Description |
variation | int | ID variation |
location | int | ID location |
price | int | sell price of variation in above location |
Карточка продукт
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}{product}/detail
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin}{product}/detail \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Query params
Param | Description |
product | ID продукт |
"product": {
"id": 2164,
"description": "Набор содержит парфюмерную воду и лосьон для тела с цветочным ароматом. Композиция раскрывается душистым перцем, туберозой и сладковатой фрезией. Аккорд из горьковатой герани, пиона, лилии и ландыша звучит в сердце. В стойком шлейфе ощущаются древесные ноты, дымные пачули и терпкий мускус.",
"brand": 9,
"supplier": 15,
"category": null,
"sku": "1X5RY90000",
"variations": [
"zone": 1,
"tags": [],
"active": true,
"marketplaceRecord": null
"variations": [
"sku": "1X5RY90000",
"supplier": "Elysee",
"id": 2337,
"barcode": "887167477476",
"stocks": [
"id": "a3a6952b-f760-4ace-8983-8782aaa2f384",
"location": 7,
"tracking": true,
"countable": true,
"sellPrice": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.523809523809524e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 10500,
"UZS\/EUR": 8.333333333333333e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 12000
"order": [
"UZS": 740000,
"USD": 70.48,
"EUR": 61.67
"properties": [
"name": "Контракт номер",
"value": "12\/2019"
"name": "Батч код",
"value": "BA9"
"expirationDate": null,
"supplier": 15,
"count": 1
"id": "87b04a13-f74e-444c-94a0-12ae26207cb2",
"location": 8,
"tracking": true,
"countable": true,
"sellPrice": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.523809523809524e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 10500,
"UZS\/EUR": 8.333333333333333e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 12000
"order": [
"UZS": 740000,
"USD": 70.48,
"EUR": 61.67
"properties": [
"name": "Контракт номер",
"value": "12\/2019"
"name": "Батч код",
"value": "BA9"
"expirationDate": null,
"supplier": 15,
"count": 1
"name": "НАБОР PLEASURES: Pleasures парфюмерная вода 30мл Pleasures Лосьон для тела 75мл",
"product": 2164,
"images": [
"id": 1815,
"sort": 0,
"urls": {
"50x_": null,
"100x_": null,
"150x_": null,
"300x_": null,
"800x_": null,
"original": null
"unit": "pcs",
"properties": [
"id": "135a8d5cde024e755b6d771f77730f66",
"name": "Цвет",
"value": null
"id": "9d1804a7de245542870e9cb17964ea8f",
"name": "Объем",
"value": null
"productProperties": [
"id": "15db0c311ef826335a59adadc970707b",
"name": "Бренд",
"value": "ESTEE LAUDER"
"id": "141146f6421f3d59ae5d77b1beb72efb",
"name": "Пол",
"value": "Ж"
"id": "ac192a26a6e6e1da12dd36ae0299eafa",
"name": "Подкатегория 1",
"value": "НАБОРЫ"
"id": "f80a9c333d8947d26bcbcac6b45babd3",
"name": "Подкатегория 2",
"value": ""
Create product
Создание продукт
Http request
POST https://{subdomin}{zone}/create
curl -X POST \
https://{subdomin}{zone}/create \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
-d '{
"name": "Брюки",
"description": "Jeans",
"sku": "1228",
"category": 1,
"supplier": 1,
"brand": 1,
"minOrder": 1,
"type": 0,
"tags": ["test"],
"variations": [
"barcode": "1227",
"unit": "pcs",
"countable": true,
"supplyPriceCurrency": "UZS",
"name": "test",
"recSupplierPrice": 500,
"recSellPrice": 1500,
"properties": [
"productProperties": [
Query params
Param | Description |
zone | ID зона |
"shortDescription": "Jeans",
"id": 2291,
"name": "Брюки",
"description": "Jeans",
"brand": 1,
"supplier": 1,
"category": 1,
"sku": "1228",
"variations": [
"zone": 1,
"tags": [
"id": "686c92cc-329b-4f9f-bddd-76781f2d8366",
"brand": 1,
"location": null,
"name": "test"
"active": true,
"marketplaceRecord": null,
"minOrder": 1,
"type": 0
Update product
Обновить продукт
Http request
POST https://{subdomin}{product}
curl -X POST \
https://{subdomin}{product} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
-d '{
"name": "Брюки",
"description": "Jeans",
"sku": "1218",
"category": 1,
"supplier": 1,
"brand": 1,
"minOrder": 1,
"type": 0,
"tagName": ["test"]
Query params
Param | Description |
product | ID продукт |
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Продажа осуществляется с помощью Кассового терминала . Для осуществление продажи необходимо авторизация с ключом кассового терминала.
Карточка продажи
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}{sell}
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin}{sell} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Атрибут | Информация |
sell | Sell |
Список продаж
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Query params
Param | Description |
finishedTime[min] | date time |
finishedTime[max] | date time |
updatedTime[min] | date time |
updatedTime[max] | date time |
type | array in those sell , debit ,refund ,exchange |
variation[name] | name of Variation |
variation[sku] | sku product |
variation[barcode] | barcode product |
id | array sell ids |
count[min] | sell count |
count[max] | sell count |
zone | array ids of Zone |
brand | array ids of Brand |
location | array ids of Location |
cashdesk | array ids of Cashdesk |
assistant | array ids of Assistant |
customer | array ids of Customer |
Атрибут | Информация |
items | array sells |
page | int |
Create refunds
Создание Возврат/Обмен
Http request
curl -X POST \
https://{subdomin}{cashdesk}/refunds \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
-d '{
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"count": 1
Query param
Атрибут | Информация |
cashdesk | ID кассового терминала Cashdesk |
Post param
Атрибут | Информация |
customer | ID покупатель |
refundRecords | refundRecords |
Create sell
Создание продажи
Http request
curl -X POST \
https://{subdomin}{cashdesk}/sells \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}" \
-d '{
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Query param
Атрибут | Информация |
cashdesk | ID кассового терминала Cashdesk |
Post param
Атрибут | Информация |
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Create sell record
Добавление продаваемых продуктов в продажу
Http request
POST https://{subdomin}{sell}/sell-records
curl -X POST \
https://{subdomin}{sell}/sell-records \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
-d "{
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Query param
Атрибут | Информация |
sell | ID продажи Sell |
Post param
Атрибут | Информация |
count | Количество int |
stock | ID стока Stock |
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Create sell record by variation
Добавление продаваемых продуктов с вариация в продажу
Http request
POST https://{subdomin}{sell}/sell-records-by-variation
curl -X POST \
https://{subdomin}{sell}/sell-records-by-variation \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
-d "{
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"count": 1
Query param
Атрибут | Информация |
sell | ID продажи Sell |
Post param
Атрибут | Информация |
variation | ID вариация |
location | ID локация |
count | Количество int |
Update sell record
Http request
PATCH https://{subdomin}{sell_record}
curl -X PATCH \
https://{subdomin}{sell_record} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
-d "{
count: 2
Query param
Атрибут | Информация |
sell_record | id Sell record |
Post param
Атрибут | Информация |
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"print": null
"vatNumber": "12",
"phoneNumbers": [
"address": {
"id": 5675,
"type": null,
"countryCode": "UZ",
"administrativeArea": "Ташкентская область",
"locality": "город Ахангаран",
"dependentLocality": null,
"postalCode": "12",
"addressLine1": "54",
"addressLine2": ",,",
"organization": null,
"latitude": null,
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"houseNumber": null,
"floor": null,
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"type": "pos",
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"status": "cart",
"id": 990481,
"note": "1C",
"count": 2,
"time": "2021-10-15 11:36:08",
"zone": 13,
"shift": {
"id": 30196,
"cashdesk": 233,
"openTime": "2021-10-14 15:34:00",
"closeTime": null,
"user": 117937,
"transactions": [],
"desktopApp": null,
"sells": null,
"sellPicks": null,
"total": null,
"allPaymentsByMethod": null,
"debits": null,
"encashment": null,
"cashBalance": null
"user": 117937,
"draft": true,
"takeAway": false,
"wasDebit": false,
"updatedTime": "2021-10-15 11:43:57",
"finishedTime": null,
"shippingAddress": null,
"billingAddress": null,
"customer": null,
"mode": "location",
"cardActivated": false,
"refundRecords": [],
"returnRecords": [],
"subtotal": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 10800,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000
"order": [
"UZS": 6000,
"USD": 0.56,
"EUR": 0.55
"total": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 10800,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000
"order": [
"UZS": 6000,
"USD": 0.56,
"EUR": 0.55
"debit": null,
"sellSubtotal": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 10800,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000
"order": [
"UZS": 6000,
"USD": 0.56,
"EUR": 0.55
"sellTotal": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 10800,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000
"order": [
"UZS": 6000,
"USD": 0.56,
"EUR": 0.55
"refundSubtotal": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 10800,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000
"order": [
"UZS": 0,
"USD": 0,
"EUR": 0
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"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 10800,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000
"order": [
"UZS": 0,
"USD": 0,
"EUR": 0
"returnSubtotal": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 10800,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000
"order": [
"UZS": 0,
"USD": 0,
"EUR": 0
"returnTotal": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 10800,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000
"order": [
"UZS": 0,
"USD": 0,
"EUR": 0
"discount": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 10800,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000
"order": [
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"USD": 0,
"EUR": 0
"payments": [],
"assistants": [],
"generatedCoupons": [],
"activatedCoupons": [],
"startTime": null,
"expireTime": null,
"releasedTime": null,
"pickupLocation": null,
"shippingTime": null,
"shippingTimeRange": null,
"shippingPrice": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 10800,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000
"order": [
"UZS": 0,
"USD": 0,
"EUR": 0
"recipient": null,
"guestQty": null,
"printKey": null,
"syncTime": "2021-10-15 11:43:57",
"manualDiscount": [],
"debtFinishedTime": null,
"resources": [],
"dynamicStatus": null,
"originalId": null,
"relatedSubdomain": null,
"isDebt": false,
"nextStatus": null
Delete sell record
Удаление открытой продажи
Http request
DELETE https://{subdomin}{sell_record}
curl -X DELETE \
https://{subdomin}{sell_record} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Query param
Атрибут | Информация |
sell_record | ID продаваемых продуктов Sell record |
Update sell
Обновление открытой продажи, отложки или долга.
Http request
PATCH https://{subdomin}{sell}
curl -X PATCH \
https://{subdomin}{sell} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
-d "{
paymentMethod: 3,
price: 120000,
type: 'sell'
customer: 117890,
Query param
Атрибут | Информация |
sell | ID продажи Sell |
Shipping service sell
Добавление метода доставки и информации о доставке в продажу.
Http request
PATCH https://{subdomin}{sell}/details
curl -X PATCH \
https://{subdomin}{sell}/details \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
-d '{
isPickup: true,
pickupLocation: 11,
recipient: "Muxiddin Jumaniyazov"
shippingService: 10,
shippingTime: "12:31"
Query param
Атрибут | Информация |
sell | ID продажи Sell |
Add payment sell
Оплата для продажа.
Http request
POST https://{subdomin}{sell}/payment
curl -X POST \
https://{subdomin}{sell}/payment \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
-d '{
"paymentMethod": 1,
"price": 100000,
"type": "sell"
Query param
Атрибут | Информация |
sell | ID продажи Sell |
Post param
Атрибут | Информация |
paymentMethod | Тип оплата |
price | сумма int |
type | sell,refund |
Finish sell
Завершение (закрытые) открытой продажи.
Http request
POST https://{subdomin}{sell}/commit
curl -X POST \
https://{subdomin}{sell}/commit \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
-d '{
"mode": "location"
Query param
Атрибут | Информация |
sell | ID продажи Sell |
Postpone sell
Отложка продажи
Http request
POST https://{subdomin}{sell}/postpone
curl -X POST \
https://{subdomin}{sell}/postpone \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
-d '{
"mode": "location"
Query param
Атрибут | Информация |
sell | ID продажи Sell |
Update finished sell
Обновление завершенной продажи
Http request
PATCH https://{subdomin}{sellID}/patch
Patch params
Атрибут | Информация |
finishedTime | Datetime finished time |
assistants | IDs users |
user | ID cashier |
customer | ID customer |
note | string |
payments | array |
pickupLocation | ID location |
shippingAddress | object |
Update sell payment
Обновление оплата продажи
Http request
PATCH https://{subdomin}{paymentID}
Patch params
Роли - это набор доступов пользователя к системе.
Просмотр роли
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}{role}
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin}{role} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Атрибут | Информация |
role | Role |
Список ролей
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Атрибут | Информация |
items | array role |
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}{cashdesk}
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin}{cashdesk} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Attribute | Info |
cashdesk | id Cash desk |
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}
curl -X GET \
https://{subdomin} \
-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Attribute | Info |
items |
Transfer list
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'
Query request
Параметр | Описание |
id | id transfer |
time[min] | start of time |
time[max] | end of time |
approved | 1 or 0 |
approvedTime[min] | start of approved time |
approvedTime[max] | end of approved time |
inLocation | in transfer of location id |
outLocations |
brand | id brand of variation |
variation[] | filter params variations |
"page": 1,
"items": [
"id": 11735,
"note": null,
"count": 2,
"time": "2020-08-27 18:44:51",
"zone": 13,
"user": 118231,
"orderedUser": null,
"sentUser": null,
"acceptedUser": null,
"draft": true,
"inLocation": 42,
"outLocations": [
"outLocation": 68,
"status": "process_inventor",
"ordered": false,
"willReview": true,
"totalSellPrice": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 10800,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000
"order": [
"UZS": 200000,
"USD": 18.52,
"EUR": 18.18
"totalSupplyPrice": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 10800,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000
"order": [
"UZS": 110000,
"USD": 10.19,
"EUR": 10
"totalLandedPrice": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 10800,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000
"order": [
"UZS": 110000,
"USD": 10.19,
"EUR": 10
"approved": false,
"approvedTime": null
"total_count": 22
Transfer create
Transfer product do following steps given bellow
curl --request POST \
--url{zone}/transfers \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}' \
--data '{
"outLocation": 42,
"inLocation": 293,
"type": 0,
"records": [
"variation": 242351,
"count": 3
"variation": 242352,
"count": 2
"variation": 242353,
"count": 4
Query request
Параметр | Описание |
inLocation | id location |
outLocation | id location |
type | '0' (Create transfer operation) or 1 (Order transfer operation) |
records | array Records |
"id": 14,
"note": null,
"count": 0,
"time": "2021-10-12 15:35:04",
"zone": 1,
"user": 117141,
"orderedUser": null,
"sentUser": null,
"acceptedUser": null,
"draft": true,
"inLocation": 11,
"outLocations": [],
"outLocation": 1,
"status": "process",
"ordered": false,
"willReview": false,
"totalSellPrice": null,
"totalSupplyPrice": null,
"totalLandedPrice": null,
"approved": false,
"approvedTime": null
Transfer approve
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'
Query request
"id": 14,
"note": null,
"count": 3,
"time": "2021-10-12 15:35:04",
"zone": 1,
"user": 117141,
"orderedUser": null,
"sentUser": null,
"acceptedUser": 117141,
"draft": true,
"inLocation": 11,
"outLocations": [],
"outLocation": 1,
"status": "accepted",
"ordered": false,
"willReview": false,
"totalSellPrice": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 11000
"order": [
"UZS": 300000,
"USD": 27.27
"totalSupplyPrice": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 11000
"order": [
"UZS": 240000,
"USD": 21.82
"totalLandedPrice": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 11000
"order": [
"UZS": 240000,
"USD": 21.82
"approved": true,
"approvedTime": "2021-10-12 15:35:50"
Transfer records list
curl --request GET \
--url{transferID}/records \
--header 'authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'
Query request
Параметр | Описание |
id | id transfer |
status | Success, Overage,Created,Shortage,Unknown |
variation[name] | Variation name |
variation[names] | array of Variation name |
variation[sku] | Variation sku |
variation[skus] | array of Variation sku |
variation[barcode] | Variation barcode |
variation[barcodes] | array of Variation barcodes |
"page": 1,
"total_count": 2,
"items": [
"status": "overage",
"price": null,
"variation": 240450,
"outLocation": 68,
"time": "2020-08-27 18:45:04",
"stock": null,
"inStock": null,
"orderCount": 0,
"sentCount": 1,
"acceptCount": 0,
"decreaseCount": 0,
"id": 221007,
"count": 1
"status": "overage",
"price": null,
"variation": 240451,
"outLocation": 68,
"time": "2020-08-27 18:45:03",
"stock": null,
"inStock": null,
"orderCount": 0,
"sentCount": 1,
"acceptCount": 0,
"decreaseCount": 0,
"id": 221006,
"count": 1
Import list
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'
Query request
Параметр | Описание |
id | id import |
time[min] | start of time |
time[max] | end of time |
finishedTime[min] | start of finished time |
finishedTime[max] | end of finished time |
location | in import of location id |
brand | id brand of variation |
variation[] | filter params variations |
"page": 1,
"items": [
"id": 7085,
"note": null,
"count": 3,
"time": "2020-09-04 23:45:30",
"lastApproveTime": null,
"zone": 13,
"brand": 15,
"user": 118231,
"location": 42,
"finished": true,
"willReview": false,
"deleted": false,
"approvals": [
"orderProperties": [],
"orderTransactions": [],
"supplyRatio": {
"USD_UZS": 10800,
"EUR_UZS": 11000
"scheduled": false,
"landedCosts": [],
"status": "finished"
"total_count": 109
Import records list
curl --request GET \
--url{importID}/records \
--header 'authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'
Query request
Параметр | Описание |
id | id import |
barcodes | array of Variation barcodes |
skus | array of Variation skus |
productName | Name of variation product |
"page": 1,
"items": [
"id": 697332,
"import": 7085,
"variation": 246029,
"initialCount": 0,
"approvals": [
"time": "2020-09-04 23:47:50",
"count": 3
"variationBarcode": "9090909",
"variationName": "Bebe",
"areaNames": null,
"variationShippable": true,
"variationTaxable": false,
"variationSellable": true,
"variationCountable": true,
"variationCookable": false,
"unit": "pcs",
"variationProperties": [
"name": "Размер",
"value": "AB"
"name": "Цвет",
"value": "Color"
"productProperties": [
"name": "Производитель",
"value": "Turkey"
"productSku": "98983",
"productName": "Bebe",
"productDescription": "Bebe",
"supplierName": "AVA",
"categoryNames": [
"count": 3,
"stockTracking": true,
"stockSellPrice": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
"USD\/UZS": 10800,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000
"order": [
"UZS": 10000,
"USD": 0.93,
"EUR": 0.91
"stockSupplyPrice": {
"first": "USD",
"ratio": {
"USD\/UZS": 10800,
"UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5
"order": [
"USD": 1,
"UZS": 10800,
"EUR": 0.98
"stockProperties": [
"name": "Груз номер",
"value": "1"
"applied": false,
"diffs": null,
"ingredients": null,
"productTags": null,
"orderPropertyPrices": null,
"landedCostPrice": {
"first": "USD",
"ratio": {
"USD\/UZS": 10800,
"UZS\/USD": 9.259259259259259e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5
"order": [
"USD": 1,
"UZS": 10800,
"EUR": 0.98
"stockExpirationDate": null,
"stock": "15662050-e1d3-4380-a973-02fe5c35f7e8",
"landedCosts": null,
"images": [],
"uploadedImages": []
"total_count": 1
Import create
Import products do following steps bellow
curl --request POST \
--url https://{subdomain}{zoneID}/imports \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--data '{
"location": 42,
"willReview": false,
"note": "Notessss",
"supplyRatio": {
"USD_UZS": 0
Post attributes
Параметр | Тип | Описание |
location | int | ID location |
willReview | bool | if need review before import true |
note | string | description |
supplyRatio | array | currency combination main currency with secondary currencies |
"id": 3777,
"note": "Notessss",
"count": 0,
"time": "2022-10-18 11:44:11",
"lastApproveTime": null,
"zone": 13,
"brand": 15,
"user": 117937,
"location": 42,
"finished": false,
"willReview": false,
"deleted": false,
"approvals": [],
"orderProperties": [],
"orderTransactions": [],
"supplyRatio": {
"USD_UZS": 12000
"scheduled": false,
"finishedTime": null,
"system": false,
"landedCosts": [],
"status": "not_finished"
Add import record
add record to import
curl --request POST \
--url https://{subdomain}{importID}/import-records/multiple \
--header 'Accept: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}' \
--header 'Content-Type: multipart/form-data' \
--form 'records[0][productSku]=8DG5UX6QIH' \
--form 'records[0][productName]=Nike sneakers' \
--form 'records[0][supplierName]=Nike' \
--form 'records[0][categoryNames]=Boots' \
--form 'records[0][variationCountable]=1' \
--form 'records[0][variationShippable]=1' \
--form 'records[0][variationSellable]=1' \
--form 'records[0][variationScalable]=0' \
--form 'records[0][uploadedImages][]=@/home/muxiddin/Pictures/iphone-12-pro-family-hero.jpeg' \
--form 'records[0][variationBarcode]=4788645796881' \
--form 'records[0][unit]=pcs' \
--form 'records[0][stockSupplyPrice]=4 USD' \
--form 'records[0][stockSellPrice]=172800 UZS' \
--form 'records[0][count]=10' \
--form 'records[0][variationProperties][0][name]=Размер' \
--form 'records[0][variationProperties][0][value]=XXS' \
--form 'records[0][variationProperties][0][name]=Цвет' \
--form 'records[0][variationProperties][0][value]=Blue' \
--form 'records[0][variationName]=Nike sneakers Blue' \
--form forceValidate=true
array of [Records]
after then all records insert should approve impport for including variation to product list
curl --request POST \
--url https://{subdomain}{importID}/finish \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'
Correction list
curl --request GET \
--url \
--header 'authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'
Query request
Параметр | Описание |
id | id correction |
time[min] | start of time, default today |
time[max] | end of time, default today |
location | in correction of location id |
brand | id brand of variation |
user | id of created user |
variation[] | filter params variations exp: variation[name]=Shirt |
"page": 1,
"items": [
"id": 50869,
"note": "",
"count": "-21.00",
"time": "2020-09-18 12:12:00",
"zone": 13,
"brand": 15,
"user": 117937,
"summary": {
"sum": -21,
"negative": -21,
"positive": 0
"location": 68,
"reason": "review",
"approved": true,
"approvedTime": "2020-09-18 12:12:00"
"total_count": 4
Correction records list
curl --request GET \
--url{correctionID} \
--header 'authorization: Bearer {TOKEN}'
Query request
Параметр | Описание |
id | id correction |
barcodes | array of Variation barcodes |
skus | array of Variation skus |
productName | Name of variation product |
"page": 1,
"items": [
"variation_price": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"USD\/UZS": 11000,
"UZS\/USD": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5
"order": [
"UZS": 70900,
"USD": 6,
"EUR": 6
"id": 124168,
"count": -6,
"variation": 19986,
"stock": {
"imported": "2019-03-20 17:10:37",
"id": "624f86e6-57a3-4b58-a4e6-750540cf07c8",
"location": 68,
"import": null,
"originalImport": 446,
"transfer": 4246,
"transferCount": 6,
"importCount": null,
"originalImportCount": 0,
"tracking": true,
"countable": true,
"composite": false,
"sellPrice": {
"first": "UZS",
"ratio": {
"USD\/UZS": 11000,
"UZS\/USD": 9.09090909090909e-5,
"EUR\/UZS": 11000,
"UZS\/EUR": 9.09090909090909e-5
"order": [
"UZS": 70900,
"USD": 6,
"EUR": 6
"supplyPrice": {
"first": "USD",
"ratio": {
"USD\/UZS": 8600,
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Correction create draft
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Query request
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Correction create approve
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--url{correction}/approve \
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Query request
Поставщик - поставщик продуктов.
Просмотр поставщика
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}{supplier}
curl -X GET \
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-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Attribute | Info |
supplier | Supplier |
Список поставщиков
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}
curl -X GET \
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-H "Authorization: Bearer {your_authorization_token_here}"
Attribute | Info |
items | array suppliers |
Coupon - coupon need working promotion
Beeline club
Generate coupon code
Http request
POST https://{subdomin}
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Атрибут | Информация |
phone * | phone number of customer |
firstName * | first name of customer |
lastName | last name of customer |
collection | name of collection coupon |
Http request
GET https://{subdomin}
curl -X GET \
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Query params
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rule[type][] | types of rule from this list coupon_collection,payment_method,time,variation_field,customer,customer_group,group_with_points,total_count,total_price |
Attribute | Info |
items |
Send sms
Http request
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Response 200
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404 | Not Found -- The specified kitten could not be found |
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418 | I'm a teapot |
429 | Too Many Requests -- You're requesting too many kittens! Slow down! |
500 | Internal Server Error -- We had a problem with our server. Try again later. |
503 | Service Unavailable -- We're temporarially offline for maintanance. Please try again later. |